What level Classic skier are you?

Not sure what level skier to classify yourself as? Use the skill descriptions below to help determine your ability level.

    • I am working on putting my skis and poles on correctly and taking them off

    • I am more comfortable moving down the trail with poles than without

    • I use my poles more for stability, than an additional source of propulsion

    • I prefer to keep both skis on the snow at the same time

    • I’m unsure how to slow down or stop, or:

    • I have never confidently executed a snowplow or:

    • I can put my skis and poles on correctly and take them off with ease

    • I can stride without poles on flats and small uphills

    • I have been introduced to both diagonal striding and double pole

    • I can bring myself to a complete stop using a snowplow

    • I can execute individual snowplow turns to the left or right

    • I am beginning to connect multiple snowplow turns in succession

    • I can stride confidently without poles on flats and sustained gradual uphills (green/easy/beginner trails)

    • I use both diagonal striding and double pole regularly throughout my ski

    • I am not familiar with kick double pole

    • I can bring myself to a complete stop quickly using a snow plow

    • I can link snowplow turns and navigate natural curves in the trail

    • I can diagonal stride confidently without poles on all (blue/intermediate/moderate trails), but find my ski slipping occasionally

    • I sometimes hear my rear ski slapping down on the snow behind me

    • I have been introduced to and/or attempted the kick double pole technique

    • I can stop on a downhill using a snowplow and am also practicing my hockey stop

    • I can execute step turns on flat or gradual downhill corners

    • I can diagonal stride without poles on most terrain

    • I can diagonal stride, double pole, and kick double pole, but need a reminder of when to use which technique

    • I can stop using a snow plow or hockey stop

    • I can use skate turns to maintain momentum on most down hill corners

    • I have attempted parallel turns but don’t regularly choose to use them

    • I can diagonal stride almost any terrain confidently without poles (including sustained/steeper uphills) and can run, herringbone, or half herringbone efficiently with poles to maintain speed and momentum on steeper inclines

    • I can identify appropriate technique for different speed and terrain

    • I am fine tuning smooth transitions between double pole, kick double pole, diagonal striding, and herringbone to maintain momentum as the terrain changes

    • I can double pole uphill

    • I can stop smoothly using a snow plow or hockey stop

    • I can perform a wedge turn, step turn, or parallel turn on almost any downhill

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